Christopher Holmes

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Hotel Jelly Bean | Trailer | Work in progress

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3D Artist | Animator | 3D Generalist | VFX Artist

Commercials | Film | Episodic

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Chat GPT python 3 updates

Useful snippets # primary visibility on off on multiple selection import maya.cmds as cmds def turn_off_arnold_visibility(selected_objects, visibility_value): for obj in selected_objects: try: cmds.setAttr(f”{obj}.primaryVisibility”, visibility_value) print(f”Arnold primary visibility set to {visibility_value} for {obj}.”) except Exception as e: print(f”Error setting primary visibility for {obj}: {e}”) # Get the current selection selected_objects = # Check if there …

Ctrl Cam – Isolate erroneous animation keyframes- Maya

Zoom into the problematic area, Viewport top left – View- Create camera from view Select the Controller – shift select the camera and select Constrain – Parent – from the rigging menu. Look through the new camera. Scrub along the timeline – In this example the camera is parented to the now apparently stationary mouth …


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